About Us

Hi and welcome on catchynomads! This is Marius and Anna, just two ordinary people from Romania with a passion for trips. Here you’ll find more about places we have been to and how it all began.
Cele mai noi oferte
Promotie la Blue Air: cumperi 1, primesti 2 ✈️ 🏖️ ☀️
Pentru fiecare bilet de avion cumpărat, primești încă unul GRATUIT. In plus, daca te razgandesti, poti schimba data...
Sari direct in Cipru de la doar 17 €! (dus-intors)
Ruta: Bacau – Larnaca – BacauDatele de calatorie: Mai-Iunie-Iulie (in fiecare marti, joi si sambata)Rezerva pe :...
Zboara in Zadar, dar nu in zadar.
Poti zbura la Zadar (Croatia) in plin sezon cu numai 57 Eur dus-intors. Date de calatorie: 06-13 iulie 2021. Cum sa...
Insulele Feroe cu zbor din Bucuresti la doar 232 Eur (in plin sezon)
In Insulele Feroe nu se ajunge chiar usor, pentru ca sunt doar doua companii aeriene care zboara acolo: Atlantic...
Promoție Blue Air: Zboruri în toată Europa la doar 1 €!*
*doar pentru membri Blue Air oferă zboruri ieftine între orașele europene la doar 1 EUR dus-întors. (non-membri de la...
Zboruri de la Cluj la Abu Dhabi, Emiratele Arabe Unite de la doar 11 € dus!
Rute: Cluj – Abu Dhabi
Date de călătorie: Mai – iunie 2021. Pentru a verifica toate datele si preturile disponibile, intrati pe www.wizzair.com
Latest blog posts
There’s plenty of room in our heart for sLOVEnia
We arrived in Slovenia by a car coming from Croatia. But the truth is that Austrian and Italian borders are also very...
It’s the Malta feeling, a class of its own
Yes. Let's talk about Malta. Did you know it's not just one island? Malta is more than just an island, it's an...
Inspired by Valencia
The Valencian Community is an autonomous community of Spain. It is the fourth region after Andalusia, Catalonia, and...
The small island nation of the Faroe Islands is really unique.The land of the Faroe, hard to cultivate but rich in...
Our Madeirarific story
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Life should taste as good as Portugal
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Czech this out!
We left Bucharest with Tarom (Romanian Air Transport) and recalled on the way our first visit to the Czech Republic....
Wandering The Faroe Islands
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Focus on the I cans, not the I can’t (s)…And focus on gratitude!
It’s been a tough year, 2020 has been a very weird year but we’ve learned a lot during this period.
Get outside and feel alive
„I haven’t found anywhere in the world where I want to be all the time. The best of my life is moving. I look forward...